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Why Video Converts more Visitors and How You Should be Using It

Written by Janelle Bevan, M.A. | January 8, 2020

Right now, video is on the rise, and it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere but up.

It’s projected that video will account for 80% of consumer internet traffic in the next year or so; adding video to your content strategy will ensure that there will be more eyes on you than ever before. But getting views isn’t enough. You need conversions.

Good news: Video converts— and it converts even better than text. Here are some helpful stats to show you how video can improve your marketing efforts, increase conversions and help your business grow.

What makes video so successful?

You might be wondering why video gets better results than text— after all, it’s faster to scan a few lines of text than to sit through a couple of minutes of video. That might be true, but it’s not necessarily what your visitors prefer.

Fifty-three percent of people want more video content from marketers. Video works, and here’s why:

Better Retention

The time viewers spend watching the video actually works to your advantage. After watching a short video, viewers retain 95 percent of the information, compared to 10 percent retention when they read it.

More Time

When there’s a video on a website, users spend up to 88 percent more time on that website. Text isn’t as attention-grabbing as its video counterpart.

Higher Traffic

Video brings users to your site like nothing else. Businesses with video on their website see 41 percent more traffic from search than those who rely solely on text.

Improved SERP Results

Video boosts your website’s ranking on a SERP, or search engine result page. In fact, putting a video on one of your landing pages can improve your chances of showing up on the first page of a SERP by 53 percent.

Video on your site will increase organic traffic by 157 percent. When your page is among the first options, searchers are far more likely to visit your site.

Excellent ROI

Worried about the cost of creating high-quality video? Well, 51 percent of marketers around the globe say that video has the best ROI of all content options.

Increased Information

You can write paragraph after paragraph about your product or service, but a simple video relaying the basic information is incredibly effective. Fifty percent of users seek out video related to a product or service prior to making a purchase.

Faster Growth

Concerned about being outstripped by your competitors? Video improves growth in an organization’s revenue by 49 percent when compared to companies that don’t use video. Additionally, 64 percent of marketers attribute increased sales to their video use, and 70 percent of marketers say video is the most effective method of converting qualified leads.



Should you rely solely on video?

In a word, no.

Video is effective, but when you couple video with other marketing tools, your strategy is even more likely to result in growth.

Video and Social Media

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably watched a video on Facebook or Twitter. Videos on social media generate 1,200 percent more shares than text and images combined— if you’re hoping that satisfied customers will share information about your product or service with their friends or followers, video is the key.

With Facebook and Twitter both auto-playing video in their newsfeeds, it’s harder to avoid video content than it used to be. As users scroll down, they’re seeing videos automatically, and they’re watching because video is more compelling than other content. Eighty-two percent of Twitter users watch videos while they’re on the platform, and 45 percent of users watch more than an hour of video on Facebook or YouTube each week.

Facebook’s video posts have a 135 percent greater reach than posts that rely on traditional photos, and the platform sees 8 billion video views each day. Even Instagram, the platform that started with still photography, has adopted video, allowing marketers to engage audiences in a whole new way.

Video and Email

Email remains an effective marketing method, but it can be improved. Enter video. An email with a video sees an increase in the click-through rate by a whopping 96 percent.

Video and Blogging

Video is popular, but that doesn’t mean you should stop blogging. (After all, companies that have active blogs produce 67 percent more leads each month than those who don’t.)

However, a blog post is even more effective when it’s used in tandem with video. Blog posts that incorporate video attract three times more inbound links than those without video.

Ok, you get it— video will improve your conversions and grow your business. But where do you start?

That’s where we come in. We’d love to share our knowledge of video production with you! Get a free consultation with a video marketer today!