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3 Reasons Why Online Training Makes Sense for Modern Businesses

Written by NextThought Studios Staff | May 23, 2018

One of the best ways to ensure that a new hire is set up for success is to have an effective training process in place. Additionally, continuing education helps current employees stay abreast of developments within your industry.

Maybe you have an on-site trainer or perhaps you’ve created a system that’s taught by a manager, an HR professional, or anyone else who’s available at that moment. It might be the way you’ve trained for years, but does that mean it’s the best way? And is it the best learning solution for your target audience: modern learners in the real world?

Nowadays, many businesses are turning away from their old methods of training, embracing updated online training experiences that encompass blended learning practices and multimedia features. Here are just a few reasons why online training just makes sense for many modern businesses.

Reason #1: Online training improves learning outcomes.

You probably spent your formative years in a classroom— it’s the traditional format for learning. However, a recent study that focused primarily on continuing education and new-hire training found that online students outperform those who learn in a standard classroom setting; average classroom learners scored in the 50th percentile, while online learners scored in the 59th percentile.

Students of all ages learn in their own way— some are visual learners, while others prefer an auditory teaching style. Elearning course design combines different teaching methods to ensure that it reaches the maximum number of students. Combining video and other multimedia content with interactive features and even hands-on, in-person training will make the information come to life in a whole new way.

Online training content is often divided into bite-sized pieces that make it easier to digest the subject matter. Additionally, many learning management systems adapt based on the learner’s outcome (known as branching scenarios), adjusting questions or information based on the user’s answers. This type of instructional design personalizes the online training content that is delivered to each user, for optimal results.

Reason #2: Online training saves time.

You’re busy. Your employees are busy. Attempting to shoehorn continuing education into their already-packed schedules will result in less-than-enthusiastic students trying to plow through their training materials as quickly as possible, which isn’t exactly conducive to learning. And finding the time to teach class, whether it’s for current employees’ continuing education or new hire training, can be a challenge, too. After all, you’ve got other duties that are neglected when you put on your teacher hat for a few days.  

Online learning allows students to take online courses on their own timeline. You won’t have to attempt to find a time that works for everyone, inevitably inconveniencing at least some (if not most) of your students. Instead, set a “due date” to ensure that the employees get it finished in a timely fashion and let them do it at their own pace.

Reason #3: Online training saves money.

Online training won’t just save you a little money -  many case studies show it can save 50 to 70 percent when you use it in lieu of classroom instruction. Better yet, it lowers your costs without reducing the quality of the training. You can create an online training program that’s just as (if not more) effective than the protocol you used in the past.

How can online training reduce your costs so dramatically? Well, when you factor in travel costs, lost productivity (for trainers and trainees), renting a training space, and printing materials, the money starts to add up. Enabling employees to train at their convenience at their own desks doesn’t just save you money, but it shows your team that you value their time.

Reason #4: Online training is flexible

Recent history has taught us how important it is for businesses to be flexible and be able to pivot. While you may want all of your team members to take their training at the same time, that may not be possible due to a natural disaster, pandemic, or change in your industry. Online training allows you a flexible way to ensure all of your employees have an opportunity to stay up-to-date with training requirements, regardless of where they are located.

Are you ready to learn more about online training? Download our free ebook, The HR Professional’s Guide to Online Training today. You’ll get information about creating your own online training program, online training resources, sample online training activities, course maps, tips for maximizing your program’s success, and more!