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Construction Time Lapse Services

Written by Janelle Bevan, M.A. | July 30, 2018

Time-lapse video allows you to do more with less— in this case, you can take a months-long construction project and turn it into an easily-digestible two minute video. Watching an empty lot transform into a standing structure is mesmerizing, and it pays tribute to the hard work your team puts in on the site every day.

What types of construction projects can benefit from the use of time-lapse video? Read on to learn more.

#1: Residential Construction

Buying a new home is exciting, but building a home is a truly special experience. The only point that might give prospective purchasers pause is the time it takes to build their home.

A time-lapse video that shows the building process from foundation to roof will show tentative homebuyers that the process isn’t as painful as they might imagine; in fact, it actually takes a remarkably short amount of time to build a well-crafted home.

Also, a time-lapse video of a home being built is a fantastic marketing tool. Homebuyers who are on the fence about taking the leap and building a home will be amazed by the speed with which your team builds a home, regardless of the weather. Use the time-lapse video on your social media and your website and watch the viewership rise.

#2: Commercial Construction

In the United States, hundreds of billions are spent on commercial construction each year, and competition for these dollars is intense. While decisions about who will build a commercial structure are largely dependent on who does the highest quality work for the least amount of money, it wouldn’t hurt to offer something a little extra. Time-lapse video might be the tool you need to edge out your competitors.

With time-lapse video, you can cover yourself and your client. If, for instance, a team member is injured on the job, you’ll have video footage of the incident, which will be a helpful tool for workman’s comp insurance.

Additionally, time-lapse video can cut down on the number of site visits that management needs to make. A quick review of the footage at the end of the day can give the manager the information they need to ensure that the work is being completed quickly and safely.

#3: Civic Construction

A project for your city or state can be a windfall for a construction firm. This includes structures like a water treatment plant, a government center, or a new amphitheater at a local park.

Do it well, and you could end up with more work. Time lapse video will ensure officials and taxpayers alike that the project is going according to plan and that the taxpayers’ money is being spent wisely on a structure that will endure.

#4: Industrial Construction

A factory is a huge project with a lot of working parts. How can you keep track of everything in a way that won’t blow your budget?

Time-lapse video is the solution. You can watch progress on one part of the structure as you address issues in another part without missing a beat.

Is a potentially costly mistake being made? Review the day’s footage and stop it before it goes any further. This will save you and your client money, earning your client’s trust and keeping your firm at the forefront of their mind for future work.

Interested in learning more about time-lapse video and how it can help you in construction?

NextThought Studios, Oklahoma’s premiere full-service video production company, can help. Click here to contact us for more information today!