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How to Create Engaging Corporate Videos

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Creating a Great Corporate Video: What You Need to Know to Get Started

Did you know 76% of top executives watch business videos at least once a week, and 40% watch them every day? Educational videos help business professionals stay up to date and..

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How Effective are Animated TV Commercials?

Coca-Cola’s animated polar bears, which debuted in a 1993 commercial during the Academy Awards, have become some of the most beloved animated characters in marketing history. In..

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Why Should Your Marketing Strategy Include Drone Video?

It’s true. Video is quickly becoming the most popular way to connect with your audience. In fact, 81% of businesses use video as a marketing tool in 2018— and that number is up by..

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360 Video Production and VR: The Future of Marketing is Immersive

After Google’s high-profile flop with Google Glass, a clunky version of smart glasses, some people thought virtual reality (VR) was struggling. But that couldn’t be further from..

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5 Ways Drone Video Can Impact Your Storytelling

By 2021, one million minutes of video content per second will cross global IP networks. In other words, video has rapidly become one of the most popular ways to communicate, and..

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How To Get the Best Corporate Video Content

Everyone seems to have a corporate video these days. It’s understandable too, since internet video accounts for the highest percentage of internet traffic-- and it’s only growing...

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What Are the Different Types of Corporate Video?

As a savvy entrepreneur, you probably already know that corporate video is one of the most effective, compelling ways to share a company’s message, whether internal or external...

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